Monday 13 May 2024

By the Sea!

 Hello Everyone, I hope you are well and enjoying this spell of good weather, it's about time I'm thinking.

Thank you so much for your kind comments about my last card, I do appreciate the time you take to visit and leave them.

I've a card today,

This beach scene is made using stamps from Inkylicious and Memento and Elements Inks. It would be nice to be there just now, just the weather for it.

That's all from me for now, wishing you all a great week ahead,


Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

This is gorgeous Kate, love how you used the stamp, I have just used it to make a future card, wish I had thought of grass etc. As for the weather? Back to a windy day with lots of rain, well we can't get too used to the sun can we? x

wannabcre8tive said...

A beautiful scene. The water looks so inviting and refreshing. I can see why you would want to be there.

Sue said...

Kate, what a stunning card and beach scene. The water is wonderful! Looking forward to beach weather, tired of all the rain we are getting.


Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Wow! Wonderful beach scene, so realistic!! Magnificent effect on the water and love every detail!!

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Blogger ate my comment...
WOW!! It's an amazing beach scene full of fabulous details and so realistic, love everything! The effect on the water is breathtaking!

Mia said...

What a fabulous card, Kate! Yes, I would love be there just now. And what a lovely sentiment! Hugs, my friend.

Mia said...

A beautiful card, Kate. And a lovely sentiment! I would love to be there just now. Hugs, my friend.

brenda said...

You have created such a realistic beach scene Kate, those waves are fabulous.

Pouring here this morning but enjoyes the few days sunshine.

B x

dutchess said...

Oh how I wish I could be on that beach Kate…the blue sea and yes sunshine…really great card
The weather has broken here today and it’s just pouring down…good for the garden…xx

Rainey's Craft Room said...

A wonderful seashore scene. Raining here today on and off but hopefully the sun will shine again soon.

Marlene Atkinson said...

Sorry I haven't been around lately. I have had a bad bout of Vertigo, I am on the mend, not quick enough I haven't made any cards since the of April, legs are still a bit shaky and dizzy sometimes it is getting better each day.
Love all the cards you have made. Marlene

Pat said...

Such a pretty blue sea Kate, and the added white waves and ripples making sea foam over the sand makes me want to dip my toes in, and love the pretty sandy shore with the silhouette grasses in the foreground, which together with the birds and a lovely sentiment finish it beautifully. x

Margarets designer cards said...

Gorgeous beach scene and beautiful colouring
Hope you are keeping well and the weather is warmer

Lisa said...

Wowza gorgeous scene!!!