Wednesday 6 February 2019

I Spy!

Hello Everyone, I do hope all is well with you, but sending positive thought to those who need them.
This week is getting away from me once again, I really don't know where the days go....too fast that's for sure.

Thank you all for the lovely comments and the good wishes for my Jim, they are most appreciated. 

I'm still not back to crafting all that much, only making the cards that are necessary, like this one for Moreen, DIL whose birthday it is tomorrow;
My lovely friend Mrs. Duck sent me this lovely Sweet Poppy stencil, called I Spy, at Christmas and I immediately thought of Moreen's card. I've used Imagination Craft Sparkle Medium in Silver on to black glossy card. Black and silvery grey glitter card and the base card is a dark grey for SU, Little heart gems and a sentiment from Creative Stamping free stamps on to velum, sequins and job done. A little difficult to photograph with all that silver, but you get the idea.

Alistair is away up a mountain today, I can never get my head around trudging through knee deep snow, but it makes him happy, so it will be a later dinner tonight. Our mountains look stunning with all the snow, but I prefer to just look at them.

That's me for now, keep safe and cosy and see you soon,


Sandma's Handmade Cards said...

A gorgeous card Kate. The black and silver are such a perfect combination. Take care, hugs, Sandra x

Wendy L said...

Gorgeous card Kate.
I don't understand the need to trudge up a mountain either but everyone to their own. Xxx

Marlene Atkinson said...

I love the black and silver, gorgeous card. Marlene

Mac Mable said...

Such a pretty and elegant card. The sparkle medium against the black looks stunning. Yes I am with you at just looking at the mountains and I bet yours up North look wonderful...lucky you x

Flo Langley said...

Beautiful Kate. Love the black and silver. You did a great job on the photo picking up the silver. I'm with you and just looking at the mountains. But everyone needs to do what they enjoy. Enjoy your late dinner. Keep safe and cosy as well.
Hugs Flo xx

Diane said...

Kate, the black and sliver glitter is just so pretty with the stencil design.

Hugs Diane

pam said...

Gorgeous card Kate, love the sparkle and silhouettes.
Pam x

Heidi MyLittleStampingBlog said...

Wow, that is really pretty with the silver through the stencil! Great card!

aussie aNNie said...

Fabulous card with two great colours combined. Alistair will sure be fit and tired after his mountain walk, I walk in the extreme heat so a snow mountain walk would be just fabulous.xx

Birgit said...

I love this card with the silver glitter and the the cat motif

Mia said...

This card is PERFECT, Kate!!!!!!!!!!! I am sure Moreen with love it!!! Hugs, my friend.

Lisa said...

This is so stunning!! I love the silver sparkle against the black!! It's beautiful!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

Maria - Ivyleaf Crafts said...

Love the sparkly silver against the black. Love the stencil too. I would only look at the mountains too. Stay warm xx

Valerija said...

A beautiful card. Love the black and silver.
Valerija xx

meg said...

Beautiful card Kate, love the stencil, the black/silver combo is so elegant

Margarets designer cards said...

Brilliant card, I like the stencil and the black with the silver

brenda said...

No, I don't see the appeal either Kate but as you say it makes him happy so who are we to question. That really is a lovely stencil and looks rather splendid in the colours you have used.

B x

Linda Simpson said...

How adorable, I love this card and the sparkle looks beautiful with the stencil.
Linda xxx

Inkyfingers said...

This is such a stylish card Kate and I love all the beautiful shimmer.

cotnob said...

A beautiful card Kate, such a fabulous scene.
I can't quite see what is enjoyable about getting wet and cold either!
Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

Alice (scrAPpamondo) said...

Amazing sparkling scene!! Your DIL surely will love it!!

Pink Rose said...

Hi Kate wow what a beautiful card,your DIL will love it,I have been without the Internet ,I have it back now ,hope you have a lovely day xx

Jules said...

Hi Kate

A really lovely card .. .. love all the sparkle.

Think I would rather stay at home and play with my crafty goodies than trudge around in the snow!! LOL!!

Hope all is well with you.

Love Jules xx

dutchess said...

Hi Kate...loving the sparkle .classy card ..keeping warm and dry and hunkering down in my craft room xxxx

Anne said...

That's beautiful Kate, I love the silver and black
Your Alistair is quite the adventurer, I don't know where he gets the energy especially when the weather is bad - I know where I would rather be!!
Anne x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

Sorry not been by, still feeling poorly. Gorgeous card, stay warm

Jenny L said...

Hi Kate,
what a very gorgeous card and that stencil looks so stunning with the silver glittery sparkle medium.
Beautifully designed as always.
Oh my Alistair must be mad to love the snow so and do all that climbing and walking in it.
Hope he gets back safely with out any injury.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

debby4000 said...

Beautiful sparkly card.

Jennifer Johnston said...

A gorgeous card Kate. Love the stencil design and the
silver Sparkle Medium just 'pops' on the black. Hope
you have a good week.
Hugs Jennifer xx.

Sue said...

What a great stencil and love the card you made with it! I am sure she loved it with the kitty on it. Beautiful, Kate.
