Sunday 26 April 2015

Stars for The Christmas Card Club!

Good Afternoon Everyone, I hope you are all well and enjoying your Sunday. 
Alistair and I went for a walk this morning over the dam at Lochluchart, on the way to Ullapool, it was cold and a bit overcast but fine, whilst sitting having our bit of lunch we could see weather coming in towards us in a pincer movement, and it looked grim.  However, we just made it back to the car when the snow started, it was pretty heavy, like driving through a blizzard, however got back to Inverness safely only to have a telling off from Teallach who was desperate to get back indoors, he had refused to go inside before we left, he was fine after a plate of Felix and a cuddle and we settled with  coffee and biscuits.  Won't be putting the winter woollies away just yet.

Today's card is for our fortnightly CCC and this time around it's the lovely Mrs. A's choice which is STARS, here is my offering;
I've used a kit by Hunkydory that come free with one of their magazines a couple of years ago because there are lots of stars on the image.  Golden Mirri Stars cut with Signature dies, Papermania, red Domes, Star Dust and a red and gold ribbon from my box.
Please pop in and see what the other CCC ladies have made, bound to be super creations.

Alistair has just been in touch with one of our friends who goes over to Nepal to teach, thankfully no one in the village that he goes to has been killed or injured in this devastating earthquake, but their village has been flattened. We are just so lucky in this country that we don't have these major disasters.  We are just so pleased that Derek is home here as he was out in Katmandu only a few weeks ago.

Thank you for your lovely comments about the little cardigan, they are very much appreciated.

Well it is still snowing, Winter has returned but we are nice and snug now.  Take care, and see you soon,


dutchess said...

Hi Kate thats a lovely card!.... just perfect for the challenge....we have the heating back on here and my vest will go back on if it gets much colder!

Have A Scrap Happy Day said...

Love this sweet card you made with the kit from a magazine. Full of cuteness. Glad Teallach is warm and cozy in the house again. Happy kitty. Have a wonderful week Kate.

Rita said...

Gorgeous card Kate. Imagine snow at this time of year though. I bet Teallach was glad to see you both. Hugs Rita xx

Sue said...

Such a sweet card Kate and the temperature has gone down quite a bit here too..lots of huggles Sue xxx

Unknown said...

Snowing wow! No wonder you're in the mood for Xmas cards hehe!
This is beautiful I love the cute owl and the stars look fab!
Lucy x

Jenny L said...

Hi Kate,
what a very super creation for your Christmas card club.
Great and wonderful designing as always.
Oh my the S word, just hope we don't get it.
Glad you got back safely.
Yes I count myself very luck living in this country.
Those poor people I do feel for them.
Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

Hazel said...

Kate so glad read that the two of you got home safe and sound, yes I couldn't believe the amount of snow that they showed on the news. Yes it's not good in Nepal, and they won't know how bad for a few days? Glad Alistair's friend is save and the villiage has not injuries and deaths. Is Alistair going to help get things together to send out!
Hazel x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

A great card for the theme with lots of stars too. It's been a busy day here so only just sitting down to comment, glad we haven't got snow like you, I'm not ready to go back to winter.
Take care.

Patricia said...

Good evening Kate, great card,
Probablly feels quite like Christmas in your neck of the woods. Bad enough here but seeing the snow on the News, Inverness was amazing . We put a match to the fire, it was so cold here this afternoon. Heating just was not doing it on such a horrible cold day.
Have a good week
Patricia xxx

Mrs A. said...

I can't believe you have snow! It's neatly May!
Your card is lovely with all the shimmer from the Mirror card. I love those filling stars too. Thankyou for joining in my theme. Hugs Mrs A.

rachel said...

a gorgeous card Kate - and my - can't believe you had snow - wow - it was cold here but thankfully none of the white stuff! Hugs rachel x

Marianne's Craftroom said...

So so cute, love the little owl. Saw some pics on FB of the snow, unbelievable.

pam said...

Gorgeous card Kate, cute image and details.
Weather here today lovely and sunny! but really cold tonight.
Pam x

MaryH said...

A wonderful take on Mrs. A's Stars. Love the image and love the way you've added in the requisite stars too. Most beautiful. Hope your snow doesn't hang around too long, and so thankful your friends in Nepal had no problems. So many awful things happening around our world these days. So sad. TFS & Hugs

Anet's Crafting said...

Hallo Kate, your Christmas card is beautiful. Love the cute owl and the pretty bow. Hugs Anet x

scrappymo! said...

What a pretty card. Love that shooting star die! looks great on your card.

Lucky that your friend is safe but sounds that the poor village is in bad shape.

We are so lucky to live in safety from storms, weather and the like!

meg said...

Lovely card Kate, owls must be my favourite bird and I love seeing them on cards. Glad your friend was home and that the village suffered no casualties, devastating to lose your home though. The snow is still lying here this morning, youngest was meant to be working at 6pm in Aberdeen yesterday , due to an accident and dreadful driving conditions (blizzard conditions in the Glens ) he was only 15 miles from home almost 2 hrs after setting out, he gave up in the end and spent 1 1/2 hrs on the return leg.

Doreen said...

This is gorgeous,love the fab image,design and

cotnob said...

A fabulous Christmas card Kate, such a sweet image and lovely gold stars.

Karen P said...

That is lovely Kate. Such a cute image and lovely card which is perfect for the theme.

Happy to hear your friend is safe too, it looks rough out there right now, those poor people are going to have a rough time for quite a while Karen x

Gibmiss said...

Hi Kate
Fabulous card ... Cute image...
Hugs Sylvie xx

Unknown said...

Great card Kate, I always intend doing christmas throughout the year but never get around to it.
We have had snow here today too, as well as huge hail stones and heavy rain. Back to winter clothes.
Take care

Sue said...

Kate, what a beautiful Christmas card. Love the image and your details and design. We had just about 3/4 of an inch of snow last week Thursday, but it is still cold today for this time of year. Keep warm......


Erika said...

Hi Kate, love your card the wee image in the middle is so cute.
Sounds very cold with you, no snow here although we've just had a hail storm. Bright blue skies now it has passed but still a little chilly.
The disaster in Nepal is dreadful but thankfully your friend wasn't there.

Take care and happy crafting, hugs Erika. x

MRS DUCK said...

Hi Kate
I have loads of Hunkydory kits I've yet to use as I discovered die cutting before I got to use them but I should use them as they are very good.
This one is a smasher.
Poor Teallach being abandoned in a blizzard lol!
My Sam used to have a little kitty kennel I made out of some spare wood so she had somewhere to snuggle in if we were out. Time for Alastair to get the hammer out lol!
Best wishes.
Ang x

Carol said...

A gorgeous card Kate, love the image and your design. No snow here but very cold. Carol x

Christine Harrop said...

I was sure I had left a comment a couple of days ago because I remember you had used the same star die as me!! Blogger obviously decided otherwise. I love your owl and the star die cuts are super. I finally managed to get mine finished and posted!! Hugs Christine xx